Simple Gesture Featured in Patch

A Simple Gesture To Pick Up 1,300 Bags Of Food This Weekend

RESTON, VA — Sixty-one volunteers will be fanning out over Northern Virginia this Saturday with one simple mission — to pick up green bags packed with food donations to help people experiencing food insecurity.

When a driver picks up the food, he or she will leave another green bag, so the donor will always have a green bag in their home to fill. The food will then be taken to four local food pantries — CornerstonesLINK Against Hunger in Herndon, the South Lakes High School food pantry; and — for distribution.

“The point really is to just help our neighbors who are food insecure,” said Bob Schnapp, who founded A Simple Gesture at the Shoreshim Jewish Community in June 2015. He came up with the idea after reading about a similar initiative in The Wall Street Journal.